Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment in Raleigh

There is a common misconception that tooth loss is an unavoidable part of the aging process. But, with proper dental care, there is no reason you cannot maintain a full, healthy smile well into your senior years. To help you maintain your optimal oral health, Brier Creek Implants & Periodontics offers a full range of advanced periodontal treatments for Raleigh and the surrounding areas. As a highly trained board-certified periodontist, Dr. Wu performs a wide number of periodontal surgery procedures everyday, including pocket reduction, gum and bone grafting, laser gum surgery, gum contouring, and much more. Read on to learn more about these types of treatments or call us to schedule a consultation.

Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment in Raleigh

Scaling and Root Planing

Most dental issues begin with plaque and tartar (calculus). When calculus forms, it becomes a home for destructive bacteria. The difficulty with treating calculus is that it is virtually impossible to remove without professional intervention. When plaque and tartar are removed from the crown, this is known as scaling. When plaque and tartar are being removed from the gum line, it is referred to as root planing. 

Arestin is a non-surgical periodontal treatment option

ARESTIN Placement

ARESTIN is made of microspheres, tiny antibiotic-filled particles that stick to the tissue all the way down to the base of the infected pocket. The microspheres release antibiotic over time, fighting bacteria and reducing pocket depth, to help your gums heal better than with SRP alone. Contact our team at Brier Creek Implants & Periodontics and learn more about ARESTIN as a treatment option.

Schedule a Checkup and Cleaning

Do your future smile a favor — call us to schedule a checkup and cleaning in Raleigh, today!